The farmer about fauna master


Farmer Aage Holst Pedersen from Kongerslev, Himmerland, can certainly attest to this.
On his farm, it’s hitched to the back of an ATV and ready to tackle a variety of tasks.

Aage was browsing Facebook when he first
came across a presentation of a Faunamaster seed drill.

“I just saw it and thought, I have to have it. It can do it all,” says Aage Holst Pedersen with a smile.


He quickly establishes that it certainly meets his needs – and then some.

A tour of the farm shows how many places Faunamaster has been a valuable tool for Aage.
In the outermost meter of the fields, facing the road, fauna strips have been sown, much to the delight of the many passers-by in the immediate area.

“I’ve heard many people say that it just makes you so happy when you drive by and see it,” says Aage Holst Pedersen.

Before the fanua stripes, Faunamaster has also been used to sow a variety of corn – and both fauna stripes and corn are of great benefit
for the area’s animals and insects. The Faunamaster also proved to be an indispensable tool when the large seeder suddenly failed.

“I’ve used it to sow about half a hectare in the wheat field because there were problems with the large seed drill.
And I have to say that it’s a completely different experience to sow from an ATV rather than a tractor,”
says Aage Holst Pedersen.

In short, the North Jutland farmer uses Faunamaster for a lot of things.

Faunamaster seeder 105
Fauna master in agriculture


In addition to the ability to sow many different types of seeds, Aage Holst Pedersen emphasizes the compact size as a major advantage for farmers in particular.

“It can go places where I can’t go with a tractor. Especially some of the low areas, which I have a lot of at my place. I’ve also lent it to a friend who needed to sow in clay soil, which was not possible with the tractor. It was simply too soft, and that’s where the Faunamaster was ideal,” says Aage.


Today, Aage has chosen to focus 100 percent on crop production, which is one of the reasons why the Faunamaster seed drill became an interesting tool.
He’s only had the machine for a year, but it’s already been a huge benefit to his operation.

“I’ve been super happy with it, and it’s really easy to adjust. I’ve also used the included sowing table as a starting point, which has been a great help,” says Aage and continues:“It’s a brilliant little machine because it has everything you need for farming.”

While there is no denying that tractors and other large agricultural machinery are also needed in the day-to-day running of the 225 hectares of land that Aage has at his disposal, he is very impressed with the small machines.

“You can do a lot with the small machines today, and it is much more economical to run them.
The small machines are becoming more and more interesting – also in the future,”
says Aage Holst Pedersen.

Faunamaster used in the field
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